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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Medical Breakthrough in Muscle Building

Aspiring Musclemen can get Amazing Results with HGH:

According to the studies done by Dr. Rudman and published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The following benefits resulted upon having HGH:

  • Great gains in lean muscle mass in six months on average, without exercise.
  • 14 % loss in body fat - without any change in Diet or Activity.
  • Highly increased muscle tissue response to exercise or activity.
  • Faster muscle repair and wound healing.
  • Hgh increased the ability of building muscles, especially in people having a workout routine.
  • Incredible boost in strength.
  • Higher levels of energy.
  • More stronger bones then prior to taking this awesome supplement.
  • Regrowth occurred with organs that usually start to shrink with age.
  • Enhances sexual functioning and performance.
  • Faster recovery from muscle soreness.
  • Younger looking, tighter and thicker skin.
  • Superior immune functioning.
  • Any wrinkles or scars start to fade away.
  • Mood elevation.
  • Increase in sexual desire.
  • More optimistic attitude.
  • Improved stamina.
  • Improved vision.
  • Improved deep sleep.
  • Old age people reported to feel like being 16.

Before talking more about HGH lets know what is a hormone?

A hormone is a substance found in the living beings that regulates bodily processes such as growth, muscle building, regulating metabolism, reproduction etc. Hormones are secreted into the body fluids like the blood or into the tissues which signals various above mentioned functions to the cells.

HGH: Human Growth Hormone

HGH or Human Growth Hormone is a hormone which is produced by the pituitary gland. HGH is very critical for muscle growth, tissue repair, physical and mental health, strength of the bones and energy. This all makes it a very important. It is a very complex hormone. Made up of 191 amino acids. It is the largest protein made by the Pituitary Gland.

Growth hormone is usually produced in short bursts during the period the body is in deep sleep.

It has been found that intake of hgh results in increased fat loss and muscle build up even without any increase in physical activity. And if taken in conjunction with proper diet and exercise, it highly increases the rate of muscle build up. And the recovery period is reduced significantly.

HGH production and secretion is at its peak in the body during adolescence or teenage. That is why you see most changes and growth in your body during these years. Hgh is behind all these changes. HGH helps stimulate your body to grow. More secretion of HGH signals the body to build more tissue (muscle). It's secretion plays a major role in:

  • Converting body fat into muscle bulk.
  • Growth of muscle.
  • Energy level of the body.
  • All tissue repair.
  • Healing of the whole body.
  • Cell replacement.
  • Strengthening the bones.
  • Sexual functioning.
  • Health and Integrity of all Organs.

It is so much effective that on account of elevated or higher levels of Human Growth Hormone one feels stronger and younger then his/her present age. This is the reason why HGH is also called the "fountain of youth".

Does our body always continuously produce Hgh?
Well, the answer is YES and NO. Our bodies are required to always produce HGH or it wouldn't be able to function. But as you go past the age of 20 years, your body starts to reduce the production of HGH with each passing year. And by the time you reach the age of 55-60 years, by an estimate you will probably have already lost 75% of the human growth hormone that your body produced up to then.

While numerous studies have been done on the effects of HGH injections, the most ground breaking study reported that men who had taken HGH injections had shown a increase in muscle building! It bears repeating that there was no change in diet or exercise - and the subjects who received HGH injections had a 8.8 percent increase in lean body mass.

"I've been a natural bodybuilder for more than 15 years. With HGH Revolution I have more energy, sleep better and am able to shed fat much easier when I'm dieting. HGH is easy to use, and you won't find a better supplement."
Doag Rieser
1996 AAU Mr. America
1997 FMBBN World Champion of Natural Bodybuilding

She was the poster girl of growth hormone. At age fifty-one, the blond former model was shown on the cover of Health magazine rising from the water in Cancun like some latter-day Venus. A car­diovascular nurse specialist in Houston, Texas, she had been an operating room nurse for the heart transplant pioneer surgeon Michael DeBakey. In 1989 McNair became interested in rejuvena­tion, when she accompanied her father to the Ana Asian Institute in Rumania to check out Aslavital (Gerovital). But it was a problem with her eye rather than aging that got her into growth hormone.

She had developed a huge gray hole in the vision of her right eye. All that was left was a tiny bit of peripheral vision in that eye, she says. The diagnosis was a form of nerve inflammation and the only treatment was cortisone. When that failed to help, McNair was desperate. Aware that people were trying growth hormone to treat nerve problems and spinal cord injuries, she asked her doctor. “If you can find some, it probably won’t hurt you,” he said. When she read a small piece on Howard Turney and El Dorado in a Houston paper, she called Tumey. At the end of the phone call, she had a job as a nurse at the clinic and a source of the hormone.

By the time we caught up with McNair down in Cancun in 1993, she had been on the hormone for eight months. Two months into the treatment, the hole in her vision had started to shrink. Curi­ous to see if the hormone was responsible, she went off it, and within a short time the hole came back; she resumed treatment, and after five months her eye was completely normal. The cortisone treatment had caused her to gain thirty-five pounds and her face’ to become as round as a plate, she told us. Now, her old size-eight fig­ure had returned and her face had clearly regained its contours. In fact, she looked at least a decade younger than her years. Her energy level was sky high and she was sleeping at night the way she did when she was much younger.

It was a happy and exciting time for McNair, but little did she know it was all swiftly coming to an end. Howard Turney – caught in an investors’ dispute over El Dorado—soon closed the clinic, and suddenly she was left in a foreign country without a job or anyone to turn to. She had no money to take growth hormone. In fact she had little money for anything. It was, she says now, the lowest point in her life.

“At one point, I was waitressing, eating one meal a day. I was picking food off the plates for my cat—and something for myself. This was someone who was a professional woman,” she says about herself. “1 have never considered myself a bag lady, but I was one step away from it. I had a truck, but I had to walk everywhere because I had no money for gas. So I went through a bad depres­sion and finally an emotional breakdown.”

Today it seems almost impossible to square that picture of a down-and-out near bag lady with the serene, beautiful woman who still looks more than a decade younger than her fifty-three years. The El Dorado facility is under new ownership and is now called the Renaissance Rejuvenation Centre, and she is back at her old job in Cancun, administering growth hormone. The facility which has an outpatient hospital and does a comprehensive physical exam including blood hormoiie levels, charges $7,000 a year for supplies of growth hormone.

She has noticed a number of changes since she returned to the hormone. For one thing, she has noted, to her delight, that her metabolism is now back to where it was in her twenties. “When I hit my forties, I had to change my eating habits to maintain my old figure. But now on GH, I can eat the way I did in my twenties. My thighs are also coming back to the thirty-five-year-old level. Every­thing seems to be tighter. My hands look a lot younger. My nails are growing.” Her digestion has also improved, she says, and she believes that the absorption from her food and nutrient supple­ments has improved. For one thing, she says, she no longer has to take folic acid supplements for leg cramps at night. Another improvement has been her sex life. “My libido has increased,” she says. “Maybe it’s just knowing that your body’s tighter, and feeling more attractive helps to increase desire. When I was in that depressed state, I couldn’t stand facing another day. Now, I’m back to where I was when I was younger. Life is wonderful.”

The first time Ahlschier received a shot of growth hormone, he had a very uncommon reaction. “My hair stood straight up,” he said. “What in the world did you give me?” he asked his doctor. It was 1993 and he had gone to El Dorado in Cancun first as a patient and then to stay on as co-medical director. “1 was feeling like an old man, like I was going through menopause or something. Maybe it was due to the fact that I was an ex-marathon runner doing about sixty miles a week and probably had injured myself. I thought, I am fifty-three and I’m falling apart.”

Today Ahlschier, a board-certified family physician, radiologist, and consultant in anti-aging medicine, is virtually a new person. He has gone from 219 pounds to 267, from a forty-three long jacket to a fifty-three. And it is all solid muscle, he says, no fat. It is not just growth hormone, he says. He went off it for eight months, using growth hormone stimulators. (More about this in Chapter 16.) And he has gone in for bodybuilding in a big way, using 1,000-pound leg presses, for example. But it is the growth hormone, along with testosterone replacement, that allows him to push his workout to the limit. These days he feels like Schwarzenegger. “1 shaved my body hair recently so I could see what I looked like and my wife nearly fainted.”

it is not just that he looks better, he says; he feels better. “It’s an antidepressant. I feel good all the time.” And he is doing better. His cholesterol has fallen from 220 to 170, even though he eats eggs for breakfast every day. His blood pressure is normal. “It goes very high when I exercise, which is a stress reaction and appropriate, and then it comes right back down.” And his energy level and sex life have readied new heights. His immune system has improved. “I never get sick,” he asserts.

Another area in which Ahlschier has noticed a tremendous dif­ference is his vision. “As a radiologist, I look at thousands and

thousands of images a day, mammograms, microcalcifications. My whole world is visual.” But despite all the strain on his eyes, he has not needed a change in his prescription for either near or far vision. His near vision has improved and his far vision is simply astound­ing, he says. “I’ll be driving along – and this happens every day – and everything will be in perfect focus up to infinity. In perfect, panoramic focus on my cerebral cortex.”

Ahlschier, who uses HGH in his practice, says the dosages he uses are a “trade secret,” but they don’t exceed 2 IU a day, where you start to get noticeable side effects. The cost of the hormone can be cut in half, he says, by buying it directly from pharmacies in Mexico, mostly because of the devaluation of the peso.

“It’s the most amazing drug I’ve ever encountered,” he con­cludes. “My vision is incredible, my growth is incredible. I feel so much younger than I ever did before. You can look at all these drugs. DHEA is a good drug. Deprenyl is useful. But dollar for dol­lar, growth hormone is the best anti-aging money I have ever spent.”

Hgh is currently the rage with people of all ages. Lots of people are taking it to grow big fast, some to improve their looks, some to improve sexual activity, the list is endless. It is just up to the individual wanting to be a muscleman to gain more knowledge about HGH and assess whether the benefits of having growth hormone (transforming like big musclemen) compensates for the possible side effects.

Feel Young Again - Human Growth Hormone Can Help You!

By the time you reach 60, your natural production of Human Growth hormone is most likely to be half of what it was when you were 20. This means that you will have less energy, more body fat, heal slower and have a weaker immune system. Recent studies have shown the direct impact Human Growth Hormone has on multiple body functions.

How can Human Growth Hormone or HGH help you?

By supplying your body with increased release of Human Growth Hormone. This is how it works... HGH is produced by your anterior pituitary gland and plays a role in your immune system function, tissue repair, cell replacement, and bone strength.

HGH was produced by your pituitary gland in large amounts when you were young, but secretion fell off sharply as you aged. HGH promotes tissue repair, cell regeneration in your bones, muscles and vital organs, and supports your immune system in combating infections and diseases.

HGH achieves this by improving the movement of amino acids (the building blocks of cells and muscles) across your cell membranes. As your body's cells die off, HGH ensures that replacement cells are healthy and readily available. As you age, your HGH levels decline causing your cell replacement levels to reduce.

Although HGH levels decrease as you get older, you can supplement HGH naturally into your diet. So where exactly can you get HGH: Exercise - Exercising regularly will slowly begin to increase natural production of HGH. Eat Certain Foods- Certain amino acids, arginine, lysine, and ornithine can promote your body's natural release of growth hormone.

You can also get it as an natural HGH supplement through pills or spray, that supports your body's ability to self-repair and delay the aging process, and as an injectable.

With injectable HGH there is much skepticism about absorption, the best time to inject and the amount to inject. Injectable HGH is active approximately 30 minutes in your system before it is dissipated or lost. Because HGH dosages are not an exact science, clinical trials have not yet determined the quantity (IU's) needed, injection times, and durations for optimum results.

Which simply put means there is a lot of wasted HGH happening besides the side effects that come with incorrect dosages. There is also the chance that while injecting HGH that your pituitary gland could be permanently shut down. This is why supplementing HGH pills or spray in a way that mimics your body's own cycle of secretion is far more efficient because you take small dosages giving you 100% absorption.

There is an HGH Supplement with all the benefits of HGH without any side effects. As seen on TV. A new and powerful HGH release supplement, and it is all natural. You get all the benefits of an HGH release product without any possible side effects.

With the cost of injectable HGH at about $800.00 to $1200.00 per month and pills or spray at $59.00 per month it takes the guesswork out of the equation as far as price is concerned.

There is a FAQ web page at the website link below if you need more information. Questions answered such as how do these natural supplements work? Is HGH therapy safe? What's unique about it? How long does it take for it to work for me? How can it improve my body month-by-month? What age is appropriate to start taking HGH? And more.

If you are unable to find answers to your inquiries after reviewing the faqs they will provide you with further human growth hormone information when you contact them directly.

This HGH release supplement can help you fight the effects of aging. It provides natural supplements that can slow or reverse the biological and physical effects of aging. These natural supplements can help you release more HGH in your body, which should make you lower your biological age in comparison to your chronological age.

HGH offers you all the following potential benefits. Reverse the effects of aging, increase your energy, reduce fat, increase sexual potency, gain lean muscle, sharpen memory, improve sleep quality, wrinkle reduction and much more.

Article Source: http://physicalfitnessarticles.net
Peter Rapport writes on a variety of subjects. HGH Energizer

Antiaging HGH - Reap the Benefits of The Youth Hormone

Getting older isn't what it's cracked up to be, or so the saying goes. Now you and I know, from what is inside ourselves, that we are not one day older in our minds than we were when we were in our prime. Of course we have gotten a bit more mature, and perhaps we have gained some wisdom along the way but there are some other things that we have also gained along the way. These things are wrinkles, creaky bones and those little annoying pains that seem to crop up out of nowhere. What is a person to do when it seems as though they are facing the downhill side of life, give up? That is something that you should never do.

Welcome to the new century and all of the wonderful things that it provides for you and me. One of the great things that we have now that we didn't have before is access to something that not only makes us look younger, it actually can turn back time just a bit and make us feel younger. I'm talking about the antiaging effects of HGH, or human growth hormone. This hormone is something that our body produces in abundance when we are in our younger years, but as we start to turn that corner our bodies provide less and less of this wonderful hormone for us to use. That is why if you take the HGH that is available over the counter it can help to counterbalance the trouble of aging and can help us to look and feel younger again.

Nobody wants to get older, and certainly nobody wants the aches and pains that go along with it, but if you do take care of yourself, eat right, exercise, and take the necessary supplements, such as antiaging HGH you will find that you will go down the downhill side much more slowly.

Feel and Look Younger with HGH Energizer http://aging.feelbettersoon.info/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Shank